General Event Information
Saturday March 29, 2025
Where: TQL Stadium
Address: 1501 Central Pkwy, Cincinnati, OH 45214
* Due to the new venue, we will sell out the tournament at 500 players.
Parking & Directions
There will be FREE tournament parking for players at TQL stadium in the West End Garage.
Directions for Parking at TQL Stadium (West End Garage)
Players and Pairings
All currently registered players and tournament results will be posted on our website here.
Please allow one week from the time of your registration for your information to be updated. Once updated, please verify your information and section.
All currently registered players and tournament results will be posted on our website here.
On tournament day, pairings for rounds two, three, four, and five will be posted online here, as will pairings for round one if time allows.
Online pairings can be viewed LIVE on any computer, tablet, or mobile device with an Internet connection. Pairings are presented in a PDF format and will be posted online prior to each round as soon as updates are ready.
During the event, please make sure you and your player double check all match results and standings. If you see a mistake has been made or have a question about a result, please alert a TD IMMEDIATELY! No result will be changed for pairing purposes if two rounds (or the final round) have been paired since the result in question was posted; thereafter, verified changes will be made for rating purposes only.
Final player and team results and standings should be posted online once the final game concludes and data is officially recorded.
Non-rated (for players who are not rated with the U.S. Chess Federation):
Grade K, Grade 1, Grade 2, Grade 3, Grade 4, Grade 5, Grade 6, Grades 7-9, and Grades 10-12
Rated (for players who are rated with the U.S. Chess Federation):
Grades K-3 Open, Grades 4-6 Open, Grades 7-9 Open, and Grades K-12 Open
- Entry in the non-rated sections is limited to players with ten (10) or fewer rated games. No exceptions.
General Reminders
- Participation medals will be given to all participants as they exit the playing room after their last round.
- Trophies will be awarded to all students in each section who win 3.5 games or more. Team trophies will be awarded to the top 3 teams in each section.
- The March USCF supplement will be used to define the current rating for each participant.
- Entry in the non-rated sections is limited to players with ten (10) or fewer rated games.
- Please treat all players, volunteers, and parents with RESPECT.
Registration Information, Dates, and Fees
Registration Fee:
Early Bird (before February 28, 2025) $40
Standard (February 29- March 14, 2025) $50
Registration includes scorebook, pencil, medal, lunch, T-shirt, and ONE GUEST ADMISSION. (All other guests must pay a $5 admission charge. No charge for children under 12 years of age.)
Registration closes March 14 or when sold out. No same day registrations.
Saturday, March 29 Schedule:
Check in 7:00 am – 8:15 am. 8:30 am Program Begins. First round begins promptly at 9 am.
Round Times:
9am, 11am, 12:30pm, 2pm, 3:30pm
Changes to Registration Information
All player changes, including section, team name, etc. must be made no later than one week prior to tournament date by emailing
No refunds will be given for cancellations after the Monday before the tournament.
All player cancellations are final. Please note that if a player is cancelled, another player from the same team can NOT replace this cancelled player. The cancellation will be processed, and a player will be pulled from the wait list.
Each paid player registration fee includes ONE guest admission. All other guests must pay a $5 admission charge. No charge for children under 12 years of age. Each player and paid guest will receive a bracelet to wear throughout the weekend.
- No outside food or beverages may be brought into the stadium without the express written consent of TQL Stadium Management. All coolers will be confiscated.
- No banners or signs may be affixed to any part of TQL Stadium
- No materials may be distributed without the express written consent of the Cris Collinsworth ProScan Fund and TQL Stadium.
- No outside vendors will be permitted to sell items at the venue, unless entered into a contract with the Cris Collinsworth ProScan Fund and TQL Stadium.
- All participants and guests must comply with the rules of TQL Stadium and the directions of its staff. Anyone not complying with these rules may be ejected from the stadium.
- No parents will be allowed upstairs, unless your child is in grades K-3 and you have a bracelet for upstairs entrance.
- All participants and guests will be go thru a security check point prior to entering the Stadium facility.
Below are some affordable, conveniently located hotels for you to consider:
- Holiday Inn Cincinnati-Riverfront, 600 West 3rd Street, Covington, KY 41011
- Room Block Here
Other Options:
- Embassy Suites Cincinnati RiverCenter, 10 East Rivercenter Blvd, Covington, KY 41011
- Hyatt Regency Cincinnati, 151 West 5th Street, Cincinnati, OH 45202
- Millennium Hotel Cincinnati, 150 West 5th Street, Cincinnati, OH 45202
- Radisson Hotel Cincinnati Riverfront, 668 West 5th Street, Covington, KY 41011
Tournament Rules and Regulations
Tournament Format
All sections are paired as individual Swiss System tournaments. All sections are paired as individual/team Swiss System tournaments. We will try to avoid pairing players against others from the same team if it is possible to do so without moving one of them to a different score group. Accelerated pairings may be used or sections combined at the discretion of Tournament Directors.
- Pairing charts for each round will be posted outside of the playing areas. Pairing lists will be in alphabetical order. Each player should find his/her name on the left side of the page followed by the color and board number to be played. Your opponent’s name, score, school code and rating appear on the right side of the page.
- Players should proceed to the playing area five minutes prior to the start of each round and be seated at the correct board. Enter the playing room QUIETLY, as there may be other games in progress. Introduce yourself and make sure you are playing the correct opponent and color. Be sure the board is set up correctly before starting to play (White on right, Queen on color).
- If there is an odd number of players in a section for a round, one player will receive a bye (i.e., not play that round). Players receiving a bye on the pairing list (it may say “wait”) should report to the Tournament Director in the tournament room and wait there for final determination of pairings. Players receiving a bye on the pairing list may be paired in the tournament room at the last minute. Players with a confirmed involuntary bye receive one point.
If a player must leave for any reason and will not be able to play all games in the tournament, please tell the person at the Information Desk near the elevators so that we do not have unpaired players.
Requested Byes
Players may request one bye. Any other missed rounds will be considered a forfeit. The deadline to request a bye is the Wednesday before the tournament.
Time Control and Clocks
All games using a clock will be played as “G/25” or “Game 25,” which means each player has 25 minutes for the game with a d5, which means a 5-second delay.
The time control is G/25; d5 unless an analog clock without delay capability is being used. A time delay clock takes priority over a non-delay clock regardless of what color you are playing.
All clocks should face the center aisle or as the Tournament Director specifies. Players are NOT permitted to make any adjustments to clocks after the game has begun without a Tournament Director’s intervention. Only Tournament Directors may correct or add time to clocks. If a player’s time runs out before the game has been decided, the opponent may claim a time forfeit win or draw according to the rules of chess. Only a player may claim a time forfeit.
Non-rated players may deny using a clock and will not be forced to use one unless a floor monitor places a clock on a game that is longer than 50 minutes. Rated players must use a clock if one is available.
Tournament Director Assistance
If a player requires assistance during a game, the player should raise his/her hand. The player may also stop the clock for any reason to seek Tournament Director intervention. The player may also stop the clock if claiming a draw or rules violation. If the claim is denied, two minutes may be added to the opponent’s remaining time by the Tournament Director. Only Tournament Directors may correct or add time to clocks.
A proposal of a draw should be made by a player only after making a move and before starting the opponent’s clock. Once both players agree to a draw, the game is over.
Reporting Game Results
Immediately upon completion of the game, the players should:
- Complete and sign the Tournament Game Reporting Form
- Raise their hands for the floor monitor
- After verification by the tournament monitor, leave the playing area QUIETLY with their opponent and proceed to the score tables.
- Always double check the posted result to make sure they are correct before the next round begins. This responsibility rests on the players.
Results Accuracy
- Wall charts will be posted as soon as possible after all players have completed each round. Players are responsible for checking wall charts for accuracy. Report any errors to the Tournament Director or Floor Monitor IMMEDIATELY. Both players involved in a game must be present for the tournament official to correct a scoring error. No result will be changed for pairing or prize purposes if two rounds (or the final round) have been paired since the result in question was posted; thereafter, verified changes will be made for rating purposes only.
- Verify your USCF number, grade, and school/team name as soon as the first wall charts are posted. Your school or team name on the wall chart should look EXACTLY like that of your teammates (e.g., “Smith Middle School” is NOT the same as “Smith MS”). Report any errors to the Pairings Director IMMEDIATELY. You must report corrections to team codes before the start of round 3. Changes will not be accepted after that point. Once pairings have been posted for rounds 1 – 3, they will not be changed for team code corrections until the following round.
Basic Rules
- Touch move: If you touch a piece with the intention of moving it and your opponent claims touch move, you must move it if it can be legally moved. If you intentionally touch an opponent’s piece, you must take that piece if it is a legal move.
- Move determination/completion: A move is determined when you remove your hand from the piece, and the move is complete when you punch your clock.
Official Rules of Chess
Decisions of Tournament Directors will be based on the U.S. Chess Federation’s Official Rules of Chess.
Integrity and Sportsmanship
Players, coaches, parents, and other tournament observers are expected to adhere to the principles of honesty, respect, and courtesy and to the rules of chess. The outcome of each game should be decided over the board by the players within the rules of chess.
- Honesty: Treat other players as you wish to be treated, with respect. Honesty in observance of the rules is expected at all times.
- Be on time: Players are expected to be on time for each round.
- Play and exit quietly: No talking is permitted during a game, except for expressions appropriate to the game (i.e., “check, adjust, draw?”).
- Never interfere in another game for any reason whatsoever, including mentioning that a flag has fallen or an illegal move has been made. If you must leave the tournament room while your game is still in progress, you may not discuss your game with anyone or receive any assistance relating to your game. Leave the room quietly after your game is over and you have reported the results.
- Game analysis: Do not analyze or replay your game in the tournament room. Analyze and discuss your game in designated areas outside the tournament room after reporting the game result.
Absolutely NO cell phones, text messaging, or video games allowed in playing areas. Any of the previous could result in forfeiture.
Team Competition
Team competition is calculated by adding the points accumulated by its three top-scoring players. There is no limit to the number of players from each school, but schools must have at least two players in a section to be eligible for team prizes. In most cases, participants will not have to play against teammates (see Tournament Format section for exceptions). All team members must be enrolled as full-time students in the same school. Club teams are allowed.
Tie Breaks
When individual or team scores are equal, the following sequence of tie-break systems will be used to designate awards:
Individual Tie-Breaks:
- Modified Median
2. Solkoff
3. Sonneborn-Berger
4. Cumulative Team Tie-Breaks
Team Tie-Breaks:
- Total Individual Cumulative
2. Total Solkoff
3. Total Sonneborn-Berger
4. Total Kashdan